【 Qinan hand play beads 3.5】
A generation of mother tree green Qi Nan agarwood, ripe old tree heart oil production. Natural grain, rich in oil!!
Size: 35mm
Sweet and cool smell honey with flower fragrance is obvious, fragrant. Taste into the nostrils, the end rhyme mellow elegant without miscellaneous rhyme, make the body and mind happy!
【奇楠手玩珠 3.5】 一代母树绿奇楠沉香,熟透老树树心油制作。天然纹路,油脂丰富!! 规格:35mm 生闻蜜甜凉味带花香味明显,香味浓郁。味窜入鼻孔,尾韵醇厚高雅无杂韵,令人身心愉悦!
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